My Annus Horribbilis – Redundancy transformed in courage

Good Morning Take a look at this awesome story from Amma Aggrey Watt, who shared a story at our last inspirational career night – Tell it like it is! 07/02/12. Her determination alone is a sign of courage. To be honest, my job as a mortgage underwriter for Britannia Building Society’ was pretty cushy. I … Continue reading

Broke, self-employed and loving it

Image via Wikipedia So last week I was reminiscing things that I missed or didn’t miss when I had a job. And they were as follows: waking up in the morning fighting for the train Living the house on time but being delayed by TFL And that extortionate monthly agreement with Transport for London So … Continue reading

Act like you know

Act like you know The most difficult thing when transitioning or job seeking is to act as though you were already there. Act like you know, act like everything is normal. I know it sounds crazy. Is that like pretending? No it’s not pretending at all. It’s learning to know who you are entirely and … Continue reading

We all cook rice differently!

No, this post is not about a bowl of rice, fried rice, boiled rice, and basmati rice, Jollof rice or even rice pudding. I’m talking about variety and dealing with loss. Well at least that’s what my friend Jay said. My first instinctive reaction, was to laugh, I laughed so hard my side hurt. We … Continue reading

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