Act like you know

Act like you know The most difficult thing when transitioning or job seeking is to act as though you were already there. Act like you know, act like everything is normal. I know it sounds crazy. Is that like pretending? No it’s not pretending at all. It’s learning to know who you are entirely and … Continue reading

My week as a career transitioner


Personal experience of a previously unemployed professional

Take a look at employability expert Shamila Mhearban’s previous challenges Difficulties faced Being professional and unemployed is tough. I know, I’ve  been there myself. The applications, which seem to disappear into a black hole; the effort and preparation for interviews, where the only feedback you receive is ‘not enough experience’ and the self-doubt and feelings … Continue reading

Inspiring Career transitioners seeking more than just another job

Group Hug

Welcome back everyone! This is Shamila from BrighterMondays,  another organisation, specifically geared at helping individuals, make that next step into the right career they seek.

Are you ready for your 30 day Challenge

In my last post “What activities are you still working up the courage to try” I mentioned the importance of taking action and exploring your secret ambition which is why I want to talk to you about the 30 day challenge. So late last week I was catching uo with an old friend who I … Continue reading

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